Published Reports


  • Assessing Ourselves: A Legislative Review of the Landscaping and Lighting Act of 1972, October 1991
  • Growth Management: Executive Efforts, Legislative Proposals and Building Consensus, October 1991
  • LAFCO Spheres of Influence After 20 Years, November 1991
  • Permit Streamlining Act Issues, December 1991


  • Your Guide to Conflicts of Interest Law: How We Govern Our Public Officials, April 1992
  • Local Agencies' Natural Gas Franchises, November 1992
  • Resolving Land Use Disputes: Mediation, Arbitration and Litigation, November 1992


  • What's So Special About Special Districts, November 1993
  • Restructuring the State-Local Relationship, November 1993
  • Housing Element Law, December 1993
  • Public Revenues, Public Awareness, December 1993


  • Residential Rebuilding After a Disaster, February 1994


  • Assessing the Benefits of Benefit Assessments, May 1995
  • State Mandated Local Programs, December 1995


  • Santa Clara County Local Transportation Authority v. Guardino: Facts, Impacts & Options, January 1996
  • Your Guide to Direct Democracy: Local Initiative, Referendum and Recall Campaigns, April 1996
  • It's Time to Draw the Line: A Citizen's Guide to Local Agency Formation Commissions, August 1996
  • Proposition 218: Right to Vote on Taxes Act, September 1996


  • Implementing AB 1335: Do LAFCOs Need a Nudge to Reorganize Special Districts? January 1997


  • Tailor-Made Government: A Citizen's Guide to California's Charter Cities & Counties, February 1998
  • LAFCO Governance & New Cities' Revenue Neutrality, October 1998


  • Property Tax Allocation, September 1999


  • Tension & Ambiguity, March 2001
  • Parks, Progress, and Public Policy: A Legislative History of Senate Bill 707 and the "Recreation and Park District Law", October 2001


  • What's So Special About Special Districts? (Third Edition), February 2002
  • Local Governments and the Governor's Budget, February 2002
  • Taking Their Pulse: How The LAFCOs Implemented AB 2838 (Hertzberg, 2000), September 2002
  • Proposition 51, Traffic Congestion Relief and Safe School Bus Act, The Summary Report from the Informational Hearings, September/October 2002


  • It's Time to Draw the Line, A Citizen's Guide to LAFCOs, California's Local Agency Formation Commissions. (Second Edition), May 2003
  • Science, Service, and Statutes: A Legislative History of Senate Bill 1588 and the "Mosquito Abatement and Vector Control District Law", September 2003
  • Water and Land Use Planning: Assessing the Effects of SB 221 (Kuehl, 2001) & SB 610 (Costa, 2001), The Summary Report from the Joint Hearing of the Senate Agriculture & Water Resources Committee and the Senate Local Government Committee, October 2003
  • Integrity and Accountability: Exploring Special Districts' Governance, The Summary Report from the Interim Hearing of the Senate Local Government Committee, November 2003


  • For Years To Come: A Legislatie History of Senate Bill 341 and the "Public Cemetery District Law" August 2004
  • Best Practices: Successful Infill Development Strategies and Tactics, The Summary Report from the Interim Hearing of the Senate Local Government Committee, August 2004
  • Proposition 65: Local Taxpayers and Public Safety Prtotection Act. The Summary Report from the Joint Hearing of the Assembly and Senate Local Government Committees. September 2004
  • Assessing The Benefit of Benefit Assessments: A Citizen's Guide to Benefit Assessments in California, Second Edition. December 2004


  • Kelo & California: How the Supreme Court's Decision Affects California's Local Governments. August 2005
  • Redevelopment and Blight: The Summary Report from the Joint Interim Hearing. October 2005
  • "What is to be Done? Legislators Look at Redevelopment Reform." The Summary Report from the Joint Interim Hearing. November 2005


  • Community Needs, Community Services: A Legislative History of SB 135 (Kehoe) and the "Community Services District Law." March 2006
  • The Quick List: An Annotated Glossary of Local Government Statutes. April 2006
  • The Regional Airport Authority: Is It Working for San Diego? The Summary Report from the Interim Hearing. October 2006


  • Governments Working Together: A Citizen's Guide to Joint Powers Agreements. August 2007
  • Revenues and Responsibilities: An Inventory of Local Tax Powers. December 2007