
The Senate Committee on Governance and Finance is responsible for hearing legislation pertaining to state and local government revenue mechanisms, taxes, and land use and development.

Specifically, the Committee exercises oversight on bills relating to the Board of Equalization, enterprise zones, vehicle license fees and taxes (estate, income, sales, property, and insurance). The Committee also considers legislation on zoning law (except housing) and on California communities—cities, counties, special districts, redevelopment agencies. Additionally, the Governance and Finance Committee will hear proposals on budget reform, state and local bond indebtedness, and legislative reform.

In combining the Senate Local Government and Revenue and Taxation Committees, the Governance and Finance Committee works to restructure state and local government responsibility so that funding sources align with program authority and service delivery. In all, the Committee works to help guide the Senate’s reform effort to move government closer to the people and to improve government outcomes through accountable, transparent and efficient means.